Thinking about becoming a teacher? Attend our May 20 informational meeting The meeting, set for May 20, will explore a number of alternative certification pathways available. A representative from Grand Canyon University will be on hand to discuss the school's online options as well.
Registration open for NEW 4K/5K students for 2024-2025 school year A roundup of information to help families of rising 4K and 5K students NEW to Lexington Two get registered for the 2024-2025 school year. We can't wait to welcome your child!
SRAA named National School of Distinction The award recognizes increased school involvement in the program that emphasizes academics, character and leadership
Lexington Two releases 2024-2025 calendar The modified calendar designates the first day for students as Monday, August 7, with a final half day of the school year on Wednesday, May 28
Come to today's Career Expo at the Innovation Center in Cayce The event is on Tuesday, April 30. Walk-ins are welcome. Talk with administrators and others about a variety of career opportunities for the 2024-2025 school year
Lexington Two families: Complete your School Climate Surveys by April 12 This story includes information about how to access this important survey that helps the district and its schools make improvements based on stakeholder feedback
Performance Task Assessments - Gifted & Talented As part of the academically gifted and talented identification process, students with either a qualifying aptitude or academic score (but not both) will participate in performance task assessments. Read this story for more information and specific testing dates.
Gifted & Talented Performance Task Assessments Students needing a second qualifying score for identification as academically gifted and talented will complete Performance Task Assessments during the February 20th through March 8th testing window.
WIDA ACCESS Testing January 22-March 8th: Our ML students will be taking the WIDA assessment between January 22nd and March 8th. Please reach out to Mrs. Stroud for more information.
SRAA marks 25th anniversary as arts magnet school The school has grown and expanded programming over a quarter-century. A community celebration is part of the festivities