Register now for Lexington Two's after-school dance and tumbling classes

WEST COLUMBIA, SC -- Youth interested in tap, jazz, ballet, tumbling and lyrical dance can register now for the Lexington Two After-School Dance and Tumbling Program for the 2019-20 academic year.

Classes, open to students in grades 5K through middle school, meet once a week September through April -- 30 minutes for dance classes, 45 minutes for tumbling. Fees are $125 for dance and $140 for tumbling for the year.


Class sizes are limited and are filled on a first-come, first-served basis.


Get registration forms in the front offices of Lexington Two schools; at the district office, 715 Ninth St., West Columbia; or on the district website, under Departments/Instruction/Curriculum Resources/Fine Arts, or by clicking here.


Middle and high school students interested in dance might want to check out the new lyrical dance program. Classes meet 4:30-5pm Wednesdays, September through April, with the first class on Sept. 11. No dance experience necessary. Cost is $125 for the year. Contact Carole Rowden, [email protected], for more information and to register.


The deadline to register is Sept. 27. Questions? Email [email protected].