Bell Schedules


7:00 – 7:25 a.m. Children arriving on school buses, being delivered by parents or walking to school, 

should report to their classroom.

7:25 a.m. School day begins.

7:30 a.m. Homeroom period begins and tardy bell rings.

2:30 p.m. School day ends.

7:25 – 7:35 a.m. Media Center (library) is open to students.

2:30 – 2:45 p.m. Media Center (library) is open to students.

Regular School Day Bell Schedule
Description / Period Start Time End Time Length
1st Bell - Class begins 7:25 AM
Tardy Bell 7:30 AM
End of Day - Dismissal 2:30 PM
Early Release - 1/2 Day Schedule
Description / Period Start Time End Time Length
Early Release - 1/2 Day Schedule 7:30 AM 11:30 AM 240 min